Mandated Reporting | Williston State College

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Mandated Reporting

The Duty to Report

All faculty, professional staff, and employees are expected to report acts of sex and/or gender discrimination - including sexual violence - involving any members of the campus community (students, employees, etc.), guests, or visitors to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator.


Employees with a legal obligation or privilege of confidentiality (including health care providers, counselors, clergy, lawyers, and their associated staff) are not considered Mandated Reporters and are not required to report when the information is learned in the course of a confidential communication.

Required Training

All employees are required to complete the following training course:


Upon completion of the abovementioned training course, all employees are required to complete the Mandated Reporter Quiz.

In Response to an Incident, Mandated Reporters Should:

Assess safety and need for emergency response.
In emergency situations, where a person's health or safety is in immediate danger, please call 911.

Explain that you are not a confidential contact.
Unless you are in acting in the professional capacity of health care providers, counselor, clergy, lawyer, and their associated staff, you are required to report information you obtain about an incident. All conversations should be considered private, but you cannot guarantee confidentiality to someone. Those mandated are required to report any sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.

If a person begins talking about an incident with no warning:
  • Kindly, yet immediately interrupt and inform the person that the conversation cannot be considered confidential.
  • Assure him/her that you want to be supportive, but if he or she does not want the incident to potentially be reported then they should make an appointment at the counseling center or with another confidential provider.
  • Advise the person to call 911 or seek help from law enforcement if he or she is in immediate danger or, if needed, advise them to seek emergency medical and mental health assistance.
Be an empathetic listener.
  • Use active listening skills.
  • Listen without judgment.
  • Be open in your posture.
  • Let the individual lead the conversation.
Provide campus resources & referrals
The campus and the community offer many resources for immediate and ongoing assistance, including:
  • Medical care
  • Counseling
  • Mental health services
  • Law enforcement and legal services
Campus resources are available no matter where the incident took place.

Submit a report to the Title IX Office
Even if someone does not want to participate in an investigation of the incident, Mandated Reporters are still required to report the incident. A report to the Title IX Coordinator does not necessarily lead to a full investigation. However, the College will make a safety assessment to determine if the accused or the accused's actions present a safety risk to the community or any of its members. If it is likely that there is continuing risk as a result of the incident, then College may have to proceed with an investigation even without the injured party's consent. Even if an incident occurs off-campus, you are still required to report it. The College has the right to address the resulting or continuing effects of off-campus harassment that interferes with a student's educational rights or an employee's employment rights.

冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Title IX Contacts

Megan Kasner | Title IX Coordinator
Stevens Hall, 105
p. 701.774.4295

All Title IX reports may be submitted to the OCR without going through the 冰球突破豪华版游戏下载 Title IX Officials. 
U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights
Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Bldg
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-1100
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